One of the most common questions asked about Weholite is how long will it last? The simple answer is that the design life of Weholite in standard gravity applications is well in excess of 100 years
Using the latest manufacturing methods within our automated factory to produce Weholite storm and wastewater tanks, allows clients to save on time by improving site productivity whilst also reducing risks, thus enabling significant savings from a more streamlined installation process and reductions in the construction materials used, the off-site manufacturing process also eliminates the need for confined space entry to complete the works.
These systems are manufactured for varying depths and can be fully assembled in the factory with all the internal pipework and valves. The system simplifies the installation process, reducing overall cost whilst ensuring each assembly is functioning correctly. This gives end-users true benefits when it comes to reducing the overall capital cost of construction and installation of the tank itself as well as contributing to significant improvements in the reliability of the system with the corresponding reductions in operational running costs.